Control your orgasm by doing this
Control Orgasm & Last Longer By Being Her Guru
Men who cannot control orgasm tend to have something in common. On some level they fear women.
Maybe they fear rejection from women. Or perhaps they fear what women think of them. Maybe they’re confident around women most of the time. But when it comes to sex they get scared.
If on some level you’re afraid of women or are afraid of the things that might go wrong during sex.
Then it’s highly likely that this fear is contributing to your early ejaculation.
Now if you have this fear I’d like to provide you with an antidote.
But first you must understand that fear itself cannot be eliminated.
Fear is a mindset and a pattern of thought that you’ve probably got in the habit of running.
So instead of trying to eliminate it, they key is to replace your pattern of fear with an empowering mindset.
Instead of spending your time worrying what she’ll think or what will happen if things go wrong. You need to focus on a different pattern.
And there’s one pattern in particular that is very powerful.
If you can begin living this pattern and wholeheartedly focus on it during sex you’ll begin to last longer in bed.
Because how long you last is intimately linked with your mindset and your thoughts during sex I won’t go into the full reasons why this is here, but they are covered in the video below.
Therefore if you can change your thoughts during sex to more empowering ones. You can last a whole lot longer.
Control orgasm mindset
OK, so what is this different pattern / mindset? You’ve got to see yourself as her “guru”.
Instead of being a guy who is unsure, doesn’t know what to do and fears things going wrong.
You’ve got to see yourself as someone who is a master at delivering pleasure.
Someone who’s sole purpose is to make her feel incredible.
But not a person with an ego and not someone who gets their validation from women. Someone who enjoys giving and making her feel amazing. Someone so focused on her pleasure that fear of how he’s coming across doesn’t even cross his radar. Because it’s
not about him, it’s about her.
That’s the mindset of being her “guru”.
Giving here the pleasure she deserves
If you can adopt this mindset it’s almost certain that you’ll last longer (and give her a loads more pleasure) as opposed to the common mindset of “what if things go wrong and what is she thinking of me?”
So how can you actually shift to this mindset?
A lot of guys get caught up in this step and say things like
“but that’s just not me”,
“I’m not a confident person”,
“how specifically do I make the shift?”, etc.
But when you do this you’re thinking about it too much!
There isn’t some magic secret to changing your mindset and you don’t have to be born under the right star to the right parents to the have the ability.
You can do it as soon as you allow yourself to.
As the classic expression goes: “Don’t think, just do”
Become that new mindset by focusing on doing what you need to do to make her feel incredible instead of worrying about how you’re coming across.
It really is as simple as that.
To learn more about empowering mindsets like this as well as specific tricks for lasting longer in bed, watch this video now.
A quick fix to control orgasm
You can always control orgasm with PE preventives Priligy (dapoxetine) for a short term fix while you master the techniques.
You will still be ale to orgasm – but when you want to let go, not before.
Priligy doesn’t reduce sexual pleasure. It makes it last longer. As long as you want.
For more information on dapoxetine ‘last longer’ pills and price comparison tables so you can get the best deals, click: Order Priligy (dapoxetine)