How to get hard for your girlfriend

How to get hard for your girlfriend (and stay hard)

how to get hard for your girlfriendIf you need to know how to get hard for your girlfriend I want to share this awesome trick with you for getting and staying hard.

I think this technique to get hard every time for your girlfriend (or wife) clearly illustrates a
common pattern that men who struggle to stay hard share.

First, take a moment to picture you and your lover together in bed.

Now as things begin to get sexual between the two of you, imagine yourself getting excited. You begin thinking and feeling sexual thoughts and you begin to get a bit hard. Perhaps you even get fully hard.

And you continue with foreplay and enjoying some form of sexual activity with your lover like groping, touching, kissing or whatever.

So then it happens. You suddenly lose a bit of your hardness and you notice that your hardness is fading slightly.

And as soon as you notice it you enter what is sometimes called:

The death spiral of erections

You begin to fear that your hardness will never return.

Adrenaline floods through your system as you begin worrying. You repeat negative phrases over and over to yourself like “no, no, no, don’t go soft, stay hard, I need this, I really want this, god-damn-it!”

And you enter a vicious cycle of worrying about staying hard. This naturally makes you even softer, which makes you worry even more, which makes you even softer. Until eventually you’re completely soft.

If we’re completely honest, I think this is something most men can relate to.

Have you ever felt that sense of fear when you slightly lose your hardness that it may fade completely and you won’t be able to get back to full stiffness?

The first step to freeing yourself from this type of loss of erection through fear and over-thinking is awareness. By realizing when it takes a hold of you, you now have a lot more power to stop it and take back control.

Now, let’s say you’ve experienced this pattern yourself in some way, shape or form and you’d like to have full control over your ability to get and stay hard – how do you take that control?

How do you get hard for your girlfriend every time? How do you get hard and stay hard for your girlfriend without fear or loss of control?

Well, whenever you notice yourself entering this pattern what you need to do is make a conscious  effort to break it. Realize that you’re slipping into the pattern and shift your focus, and change your thinking.

Just because you’re temporarily losing hardness doesn’t mean you’ll never get it back.

That might have sounded obvious as you read it, but when we become hypnotized by our own thought patterns we can forget the obvious.

So snap yourself out of any negative thoughts and shift your focus

Instead of worrying about whether you’ll stay hard, get back to focusing on what got you hard in the first place.

Paying attention to and appreciating the sexiness of your lover. And trust that your hardness will return.

When you return to being fully immersed in that experience you’ll find your hardness naturally returning.

Now, there’s a lot more to this and how your psychology impacts your ability to get hard. But it’s more than I can cover in any one post.

Discover how to get full control over your ability to get hard with the video below.

Remember, if you’ve experienced full hardness in the last 3 months, this demonstrates that you have the physical ability to get hard

If, however, you then struggle to get or stay hard in sexual situations with your lover, it does not mean you have a physical problem. If you did you wouldn’t be able to get hard ever. It must mean that you have a psychological block to getting hard.

Discover how to overcome this psychological block. Know how to get hard for your girlfriend when you need to. You’ll be able to get and stay hard whenever you like on your command.

Discover exactly how to do it. Watch the video.

stay hard erections

Pills to get hard for your girlfriend

There are medications that ensure you get hard for your girlfriend – if you want a quick remedy.

If you’re still working on your ways toget hard for your girlfriend – and need to get your act in gear – a effective PE medication is ED & PE combo pills.

If you want to give this route a try, be sure to stay away from internet scams.

Below is a link to ED & PE combo pills information and price comparisons and from reputable drugstores where one can purchase genuine low-cost ED & PE combo pills.

delay ejaculation pill