Get Her To Want You in Bed – How to :)
I you’re interested to get her to want you in bed then ask yourself this:
Have you ever thought about what makes something addictive? Like what it would take to make something like, say sex, addictive?
Well I think the best way to understand what makes something addictive is to start by looking at gambling.
Gambling is such a great example, because the odds are set against you therefore you know that if you play for a long enough time you’re going to lose, but still people love to do it and many people get emotionally addicted to the process.
What causes this to happen? And how can we use this for something positive? Well here’s a huge part of it. Unpredictable pain and pleasure. Sometimes you’ll do everything right and still not win.
And other times you’ll do everything wrong and win. How’s that for screwing with your head? Well these kind of unpredictable outcomes are what makes it so addictive.
You never know what you’re going to get and therefore you keep hoping for the best and that hope for the best makes you keep playing for more…
So how can we apply this and make her want sex more often?
Well if you want to get her to want you in bed then you need to make sex addictive for her and start doing some of the things that trigger addiction.
Now, of course, I will point out that I mean this in the most positive sense possible. I’m not talking about creating a destructive addiction… I’m talking about making it addictive in a fun and positive way.
So, how do you make your wife want more sex? Simple… You have to make sex unpredictable… There are a lot of different ways you can have sex, right? Different positions, different techniques and different things you can do to make your lover orgasm. You may even know of a few “favorite” things that your lover likes.
She may like certain styles, or oral sex or she may like it when you tell her certain things. Well here’s how you make things unpredictable…
Look at her favorite things as her “rewards”. And then look at it like gambling. You dish out those rewards completely randomly.
See, what a lot of guys do wrong when they figure out a particular technique that works especially well with a woman is they use it constantly.
They use it every time they have sex because they know it works.
The trouble with this is that when you use something too often it loses its power and it becomes predictable and therefore less fun. If you’ve been doing this, you need to stop doing this.
Instead make your rewards random. Obviously sex should still be fun all the time, but just
save some of the “best stuff” to use as rewards.
Sometimes you may give her no rewards, sometimes you may give her one, sometimes you may give her every reward.
Think for a second about what the impact of this is on her psychology and perspective of sex… It means that she’ll never know what to expect. Sometimes sex will be good fun and other times she’ll have an unforgettable experience where you treat her with all her favorite methods of pleasure.
An approach like this can drive a woman wild because this way she never knows what’s coming next and it’ll make her think about sex a whole lot more than if what you do is totally routine.
So not only will this mean she wants a lot more sex, it also means she’ll enjoy sex so much more as well. You will learn how to make a woman come fast every time. Just what she ordered 😉
Now, if you’d like to discover some specific techniques that work especially well for giving a
woman pleasure, which you can use for your random rewards and get her to want you in bed, then check out this video:
Specific Techniques To Get Her To Want You In Bed
PS – Giving your lover random rewards is just one of many tools available to making sex addictive to your lover.
Discover more ways to get her to want you in bed and take your lover’s pleasure to a whole new level here:
Take Her Pleasure To A Whole New Level