How to Delay Ejaculation
Learn how to delay ejaculation starting today
I’ve got a confession to make – although I teach on this site how to delay ejaculation, the other night I screwed up and I didn’t last very long in bed. In fact, I lasted a matter of minutes – a lot less longer than I usually do.
I got away with it, because I’m in a long-term relationship with a great woman. We have the kind of relationship where it’s okay to screw up now and again,. But truthfully I was still embarrassed.
Now I wasn’t sure whether to write this post or not, being seen as a “guru”. I’ve taught thousands of men all over the world how to last longer in bed. But in the end, perhaps against my better judgement, I thought I would.
And here are the reasons why:
1. I want to dispel this idea of anyone, including myself, being a guru
Being able to last over 30 minutes in bed isn’t about being born under the right star or being just plain lucky.
It’s not about who you are, it’s about what you do.
I’m not special and neither is any other guy who can (usually) last for hours in bed. They simply do what works.
So if you think the reason you can’t last long in bed is something to do with you personally, then forget that.
It’s not about you, it’s about what you do during sex that impacts how long you last.
2. There’s an important lesson in my mistake –
And that lesson is if you don’t use the techniques necessary to last long in bed, you won’t last long in bed. It’s as simple as that.
The other night I climaxed early for a reason.
It was because I didn’t use the techniques I normally do to last long in bed.
The fact of the matter is that I got sloppy. I got complacent, and being a guy who doesn’t naturally last very long in bed – it’s something I can’t afford to do.
And if you don’t naturally last long in bed the same is true for you.
If you normally orgasm very quickly then you can’t afford to take your eye off the ball.
You need to be aware of what’s going on. You need to have a set of techniques at your disposal proven to help you last longer that you can implement at any time to help boost your stamina – before it’s too late.
So don’t get sloppy 😉
Make sure you have the techniques and strategies needed for lasting longer in bed at hand and ready to use to help you whenever you need them.
And if you don’t already know how to delay ejaculation techniques then you need to learn. Discover the techniques to boost stamina to over 30 minutes.
If you want to blow your lover’s mind in bed then it’s crucial you start putting what I share in this video into action as soon as possible.
Get a handle on this today, before it’s too late,
Remember, lasting long in bed and giving your lover multiple orgasms in bed isn’t about being born as “that kind of guy”. It’s about knowing how to delay ejaculation and using proven techniques for boosting your stamina.
Discover those techniques here: