learn how to last longer in bed

Avoid these mistakes if you want to learn how to last longer in bed

learn how to last longer in bed

Most men want to improve their sexual stamina and last longer in bed so that they can fulfill the needs of their female partners.

Ejaculating too soon while you are in the throes of pleasure can be highly embarrassing, as well as unfulfilling for your partner.

The trick think of football to keep your mind off sex is something many men try to do when they want to last longer in bed. While you can try to last longer by using mental distraction techniques – such as taking your mind off for a few moments during intercourse – this technique is flawed and has its drawbacks.

Here’s why distraction strategies don’t work

The purpose of making love is not just to allow yourself to come to a climax quickly. You want to enjoy her body as well as allow her to enjoy yours at the same time. This prolongs the pleasure for you both.

For best experience, intercourse should last longer than just a few minutes. However, if you focus on something else other than sex in an effort to last longer, she may to see what you are doing. This could turn her off instead. Also, sex won’t be a pleasurable experience for both of you.

Women crave an emotional connection in sex. This is what gives women intense sexual pleasure. This goes along with passionate lovemaking. She will think you are a sensuous lover.

Thinking of something other than sex while having intercourse will result in bland sex that she will not enjoy. If you want to learn how to last longer in bed and have a hot sex life, you need passion.

So what are the best ways to make sex last longer?

There a number of effective techniques that work. For example, you should identify your orgasm threshold and strengthen the muscles that contract in the pelvic area before you ejaculate. Focus on these muscles and keep them relaxed and last longer.

There are also some interesting positions that will allow you get hard and stay hard longer when engaged in intercourse. Such as you could have her sit on top of you. Then she can enjoy the pleasure of intercourse without you reaching an orgasm too soon.

Recognize and associate the sensations leading up to an orgasm. Adjust your movements to reduce arousal. Study the techniques. Learn how to last longer in bed starting with downloading the free e-book below. The result will be enduring and much more satisfying sex with your significant other (or others).

Click on the cover of Unstoppable Stamina below to download.

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Pills to Last Longer in Bed

There are medications that last longer in bed – if you want a sure remedy.

If you’re still developing your techniques to last longer in bed an effective drug is ED & PE combo pills.

If you are going to take drugs, be sure to stay away from online scams.

Below is a link to ED & PE combo pills price comparisons and from trusted pharmacies where one can order high quality low-cost ED & PE combo pills delivered directly to your door.

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