Delay your ejaculation
Masturbate This Way To Delay Your Ejaculation
Not many people realise that you can learn to dely your ejaculation through masturbation techniques.
When you masturbate you are conditioning your body for how long you expect it to last during sex.
Do you normally masturbate under a lot of time pressure? Are full of nerves, because someone might walk in on you? It’s highly likely you won’t be able to delay your ejaculation when it comes to sex with another.
If you normally masturbate for a minute or two before orgasm, then the same happens when it comes to having sex. Your body will just assume that’s how it is.
It’s just totally unrealistic to masturbate for a minute or two, but then when it comes to sex, expect to last 20 to 30 minutes. Your body just won’t know how to handle it.
If you want to last longer in bed, then you’ve got to start masturbating for as long as you want to last. And actually doing this is very simple. From now on, commit to masturbate only in conditions where you feel no pressure.
Do not masturbate if you know you’ve only got 5 minutes before you’ve got to do something. Do not masturbate if you’re worried that someone might walk in on you.
Only masturbate when you have the time to do it for as long as you would want to have sex for.
This step is really that simple.
Stop and start training
If you find yourself coming close to orgasm during masturbation, stop until the feeling goes away. Then start again. This will get you used to feeling what it’s like to last for a long time. You’ll be surprised at how much longer you will last in bed after doing this.
Check out the video that shows how to delay your ejaculation every time and go from lasting less than 10 seconds to over 30 minutes or more, in bed.
Take what you’ve learned here and apply it the next few times you have sex. I’m confident you can add several minutes to how long you last.
To find out more about how to delay your ejaculation and last longer in bed. Beat premature ejaculation by watching the video.
Discover how to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 30 minutes.
You’ll also find out:
- The secret trick most pornstars use off camera so they never have to worry about PE.
- The 4 deadly mistakes you can never afford to make if you want to delay your orgasms
- How to reprogram your brain and blast through your fears so you can last longer in bed naturally.
- The huge myth about premature ejaculation that holds 99% of men back from ever being able to stop it.
Pills to delay your ejaculation
There are drugs that delay your ejaculation – if you want a quick remedy.
If you are still working on your ways to delay your ejaculation – and get back in control – a tried and tested PE pill is Priligy (dapoxetine) pills.
If you want to give this route a try, be careful to stay away from online scams.
Click on the link below to view Priligy (dapoxetine) pills best deals online and from trusted dispensaries where one can purchase genuine affordable Priligy (dapoxetine) pills delivered directly to your door.