Get a Woman Hot for you

How to get a woman hot

get woman hotThere’s no doubt that being a smooth talker is an extremely effective way to charm women and get a woman hot for you.

However, it’s not the only thing that helps.

Knowing when and how to respectfully initiate physical contact with women can psychologically help them develop emotional and physical interest in you.

And by touching a few completely innocent places on her body you could spark a subconscious reaction that makes her feel an instantly powerful rapport with you – without saying a word.

The kind that, in the right circumstances, could easily build to something more.

Find out the best way to break the touch barrier with a woman in the link below.

Touching a woman here could trigger her most primal attraction

In all likelihood, you use touch to build rapport on a regular basis already.

We do it on non-romantic occasions like hugging a family member, or shaking a work colleague’s hand.

These seemingly innocuous gestures aren’t just for being polite.

Physical contact sets off a psychological trigger in our brain that tells us this person isn’t a threat and make us much more comfortable in their presence, and vice versa.

This simple evolutionary trait has helped humans build relationships for millions of years.

Let’s be honest, when it comes to attractive women, most men hope for a somewhat different reaction when they break the touch barrier.

But even in those situations, respectful touch activates the same psychological trigger of making the woman comfortable in their presence.

Ignite her interest to develop the interaction further

Don’t take my word for it – just check out this surprising study I read recently.

It explored what happened when men asked women to dance in a nightclub.

And the woman they surveyed were far more likely to agree to the man’s request if he touched her on the arm for 1-2 seconds beforehand.

But that’s by no means the most effective way for a man to break the touch barrier.

There’s several other completely innocent body parts that, when a man touches them (as part of normal social interaction) can trigger a chain reaction in her brain that switches up her initial rapport into genuine attraction and desire.

Almost instantly.

Follow the link below to discover the parts in question:

How to break the touch barrier with an attractive woman (and spark her desire back)